- The exhibitor must be a bonafide 4H, FFA, or Junior breed association member.
- Exhibitors must own and exhibit their own animals, except in the case of 2 entries in the same class. In such a case, another exhibitor may show.
- Registration papers in exhibitors’ name are required for breed classes. All other cattle will show in commercial/crossbred classes.
- Breeds must be declared at check-in or at entry, the exhibitor may not change breeds after the animals are checked in/weights are turned in.
- All prospect market exhibitors are required to weigh their animals and turn in weights by 8:30 Sunday, April 7. Scales will be available on sight and open for all exhibitors.
- The show committee reserves the right for a weigh back of 10% on market animals.
- Show committee reserves the right to disqualify any entry deemed ineligible to show.
- Three entries (3) are required to constitute a breed class. If three entries representing one breed are not received entries will be shown as AOB.
- The show management reserves the right to alter or combine classes as they deem necessary. The judge’s decision is final.
- Health papers are not required to show. Out of state exhibitors must observe inter-state health and movement requirements.